I awoke and as I began to open my eyes, I stretched my arms straight above my head. I was completely naked as we had fallen asleep holding and kissing one another, both of us naked.
As I remember this beautiful memory of feeling your heart beating with mine,I reach over to your side of the bed to touch you once again. It is then that I realize that you are not there and now I can hear the muffled sounds of the piano in the other room.
The moon light is steaming in through our bedroom window telling me it is still night, yet I know not what time it is, as I reach for the pink silk robe you have just bought for me in one of your more romantic moods I chuckle to myself as I remember your spontaneous decision to buy and learn to play the piano, and now you are up in the middle of the night pounding away at the keys, sounding much more like a little toddler than a composer, your fingers clumsily trying to figure it out.
I walk down the hall from our room, into your den, and there you are sitting behind the piano with a sweet little look of frustration on your face. I hold back a chuckle at the sight of you, when you notice me standing there. You smile just a little, that mischievous smile you get when you have a plan for me.
" Ah, My pet, perfect timing, I need some inspiration" You are not looking at me as you say this, but continue pounding away at the keys as If you are Mozart, with a determined grin on your face.
"Come here" I diligently obey. "Stand right here next to me" I move over to your side. "That's a good girl, now you will very slowly remove your robe and let it fall to the floor, Oh and pet?"
" Yes, Sir"
" You will keep your eyes down"
" Yes, Sir"
I already know this is what is expected of me, but you always sweetly remind me, as you hate to have to discipline me, and would much rather reward me in your pleasure of me.
I slowly remove the robe as I have been commanded and now stand naked before you.
"Now, come here and kneel between my legs and inspire me"
That's it? Inspire me, you have left it to me to decide how to inspire you, and I know you have chosen to test me. I listen as your playing becomes worse not better, and is getting harder now to hold back the chuckle in my throat.
However, I know better if I was to make a sound while you are commanding me the consequences would not be pleasant for me, and just the thought of this causes me to come back to myself in all seriousness.
I slowly get down on my knees and slip in between your legs. I sit squarely between your legs, and place my hands open and face up on the bench as I have been instructed previously on posture and presentation.
I know how you love to be held in my arms so I decide to get up from between your knees and sit between your legs and hold you in my arms.
You do not move a muscle while I maneuver myself, but continue to play, with my naked body laying across you I can feel your warmth all over me. Then you stop playing and speak in that low, firm, monotone voice you get when you are scolding me.
"Pet, look at me"
I do, but I am nervous for I recognize this tone in your voice. The smile is gone from your face and as I look into your eyes I see a fire, like a quiet storm all too familiar to me.
" Did I tell you to get up from your knees?"
" No" and I realize I have now broken one of the most basic rules between us, and to add insult to injury I have now have addressed you with disrespect.Damn it, I curse myself though it was merely a slip of the tongue, I know it will do me no good to try to apologize for you have little patience, or mercy for such novice mistakes, and now I have offended you twice in one night.
You place your hand softly on my face, and grab gently behind my neck, like you have done a million times before to give me a loving and passionate kiss, but this time there would be no kiss.
"To your knees wench! "
The butterflies rise in my stomach as I realize you are no longer pleased with me.
Oh what have I done, stupid girl, I think to myself as I sit there knowing that my fate is sealed, and there is no turning back now. I sit perfectly still, barely breathing as I wait. The silence falls between us like a sealed tomb, and I have all, but lost your affections at this point.
I try to listen as you continue to play on, but my ears have gone numb, and all I can hear is the sound of my anxious heart beating in my ears, as I sit there. Not even so much as a glance in my direction. I would rather you whip me till I bleed and cry than this. I feel like the living dead girl, I am here, nestled safely between your knees and yet is as if I do not even exist. I feel as if I shall scream consequences be damned! Then I hear you, your voice so cold and distant, I don't think you have ever been this mad at me before, and really it was only a mere
accident,a slip. Did you have the right to be so mad? I would not have time to answer before you began to gave me my instructions
" You are to sit on the top of the piano with your lovely ass to me. Every time I strike a wrong chord, you will get struck with my open hand on your bare ass. Every time I stop for lack of inspiration and I tell you to inspire me, I expect you to, look me in the eyes as you finger, and pleasure yourself for me. Be careful not to hold in any of what you are feeling. I want you to tell me how it is making you feel as you are doing it. It goes without saying that you are not to cum without my express permission. Do you understand these instructions? Oh, and pet be for warned this is only the beginning of your discipline tonight?"
" Yes, Sir." I say nervously, taking position as instructed, as you begin to play again.
Damn. I now realllly wish I'd taken piano.