He is pleased with me.... I kneel reverently before Him
Monday, June 7, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Done yet?
Is she done yet? The one behind me is on the phone. I can hear because I am so close to where his ear is. the voice is distinctly your deep raspy voice. " Uh, sir you may want to give us a little longer.", the guy says in a matter of fact tone "Needs a bit more huh? very well, call me when she's ready, and don't let it take too long my patience grows thin." " yes sir", the guy says and hangs up the phone.
" How much more can she take and where is her master", she thinks to herself. the two men go to work on her again, as they had previously taken a break to make the call.
They are stroking and teasing her breasts,touching just around her nipples to make her long for her masters touch. The other has her by the hair and is pulling on her hair making her arch farther and farther, exposing her vulnerable pussy to the torturous and not too gentle touch. He pinches her clit agian and agian, she grows wet, although she tries her best to stay dry, as dry as the touch of these men. Now to add insult to injury the man behind her inserts two fingers in her, and begins to probe her with them. She tries so hard to stay unaroused, but by now he has found her g-spot and her body betrays her will, and self control. She begins to spread her legs.
She has become a rosy hue as the blood rushes to her chest and face, and the pleasure begins to overcome her. The guy in front of her is pinching her nipples as she is being raped by the fingers of the other. The pain, pleasure is almost to much for her to bear, as she relaxes into the inevitable orgasm coming up in her stomach now. She reaches a rosy hue, and the glow coming from her sweat as she fights to stay in control.
Such a bad girl she has been, He watches with growing disappointment as she is unable to hold her legs together, His dark beast is growing, as he watches the every movement of her body, He did always love the watching part.
She begins to quiver, uncontrollable shaking, "such poor self restraint" he utters into the air,her whimpering showing her fear as the probing proceeds, but he can see her need grows stronger.
The two men no doubt under the employment of her master, have now pulled out crops.
The crop smacks her breast next to a nipple, " smack........... smack." Ahhhhh....she cries out in pain,as the tears begin to well up in her eyes.
They take turns one man holding her, and one unleashing smack after smack, one............ "smack" for his disappointment, one......"smack" for her defiance. smack after smack. She cries out after every smack. Ahhh...as the tears flow, down her face. sternly the man behind straightens her head and bends her over the table, her belly is covered in red marks,her breasts look like strawberries, and the second guy now begins to work on her ass and back, her nipples are being squeezed, the crop stings and leaves welt after welt, small raised bumps , the tip slaps her pussy, rocketing shocks slash her core.
The pain becomes almost unbearable now, she can barely remember her name, let alone keep her eyes open, her body stinging and burning all over, the tears keep coming, her heart beats in her ears, as she teeters on the brink of unconsciousness.
"It is enough", he says again out loud to no one. He makes his way from the secret room adjacent to the dining room, where he has been watching her from behind the one way glass, She hears a zipper and the jingle of a belt, the door opens and closes then and a shuffling noise, and it sounds as if the men are gone... quiet whimpering and a feminine scent washes in. and as suddenly as the spanking began the room becomes silent, the whistling sound missing, the only sound is His breath, ragged and slow.
" Your posture is adequate given what you have just been through. kneel atop the piano, head down as asked." Then he positions himself behind the baby grand piano in his den. She tries to listen as he begins to clumsily hits the keys on the piano. At this point she no longer cares what he has planned, but only longs for a hot bath and her bed.
"Uhhhhh......he exclaims and throws his hands up in apparent frustration. he gruffly gets up from behind the piano and looks at her throwing out his hand in the direction of the other side of the room.
" Pet, go and fix me a martini, and hurry up about it." Hurry, let someone beat him the way she had been beat and see how quick he can be. She mutters to herself.
She eases carefully off the piano and crosses the room to where the bar is kept along the far wall. Each step more laborious than the next. Her body shudders in pain with each little movement, but she knows she must be quick in returning the drink." I hate him, he enjoys to see me suffer, and my body racked in pain." She moves quickly now to avoid yet another outburst of anger. Her body betraying her mind.
" mmm, yes that's what I needed", he exclaims, with a look of contentment on his face. He drinks the martini down with gusto. "Make another and then show Me what you have learned in your oral pleasure class. You may also bring over that ice bucket with the champagne and glasses", He resumes his playing, without a second glance in her direction as if he has given instructions to a mere maid whom has no feelings for. His music choice has changed now becoming smoother, more relaxed, and it almost sounded as if he might be getting better.
She once again crosses the room to the bar "perhaps I shall put some sleeping medicine in this martini of his"she thinks to her self.Knowing full well she has no intention of doing such a thing, yet the idea of it at least, bringing her some comfort for now, as the pictures of him falling headlong over the piano,dance in her head like sugar plum fairies. Being very pleased with herself she grabs the champagne and glasses from the bar as instructed. and goes to the freezer next to the bar where the ice bucket is kept. she lifts the bucket which at this point with the searing pain wracking her body feels more like an anvil than a bucket.
As she is far too small and weak to carry everything over at once she brings him his martini first. "your martini" she says being very careful not to carry any hint of sarcasm or tone, which even in her weakened condition is very hard for her to do.
She stumbles back and gets the other rather heavy items and delivers them also.
He continues playing still not looking in her direction. "Now you will come here and sit between my legs and inspire me properly as you have been instructed, let me see what my hard earned money has been spent on." She envisions biting the end of his cock off, and continues forward to assume the position. " Oh, and pet." He says interrupting her thoughts, " You will unzip me with your teeth after you have gotten me hard, and we will have no more defiance now will we?" She thinks for just a moment of screaming at him a simple no, but answers with proper respect. "No Sir." " Yes, that is what I thought." he says with that cocky little grin that says he is all too pleased with himself.
Once again she slowly gets down on her knees and slip in between his legs, very carefully trying not to rub on anything as she does. She sits squarely between his legs. She rests her hands on the front of his thighs.Right now she would rather be sucking any other cock in the world but his, yet she has no the energy left to fight in any way tonight so she decides she will throw herself into her new task, as if she really wanted to. As if she was sucking the cock of her one and only best friend and lover.
She runs her hands up and down his thighs, grabbing them firmly as she does with all the pent up frustration she now feels. Clawing into him with her nails not enough to hurt, but why not he likes it rough anyways. She rubs her thumbs lightly under his balls, and barely grazes the head of his cock with her nails.
She brings her head down now to where his cock is already starting to grow as now she sees his body betrays him as well. She begins to rub her face and lips between his thighs, just near the beast yet not yet touching it. She can see the form of his member through his suit pants, bulging as if compelling her to it. She opens her mouth and just barely covers the head of it with the hot heat coming from her mouth, and smiles as she sees it jerk in response. She watches as it fills up his pants and begs to be released. She reaches up and pulls down his pants to expose the button, and quickly she undoes the button. She opens her mouth again this time trying to grab the clasp of his zipper, trying desperately to get the clasp up and resting on her tongue, but no luck.
Frustrated with her inabilities, she goes down to his cock a gain now this time using her teeth and ever so lightly she begins to paw at his cock with her teeth. Nibbling first from the bottom to the top, then from the head to the bottom on the other side, leaving a trail of her hot saliva all across the front of his pants. She tries once again now to flick that zipper clasp up and on her tongue, but again no luck. She once again begins nibbling on his cock, this time more desperately, as it has become her challenge to please him again.
She hated to admit it, but everything in her wanted to be pleasing to him. Even after all he had done, or rather had, had done to her. The overwhelming urge and
innate desire in her was to please, and she shouldn't have made him so angry. She had deserved her punishment hadn't she? Next time should would be much more careful with her actions and words. After all he could be a kind man. She just needed to remember to follow his simple rules.
She decided then and there. She would do better, and he would once again be pleased with her. His cock growing ever harder now as she continued to nibble now with a determined intensity. She tries the zipper clasp once more, this time success!
She felt the cold clasp hit her tongue, sweet victory she had done it. She grasped the clasp in her teeth now like a tigress bringing in the prey for his cubs. She slowly pulled down and the zipper began to open.
She was hungry to taste him now, and she pulled his pants a little lower to expose the soft flesh at the bottom where his cock met his body. She ran her tongue over that soft skin just barely grazing the bottom of his cock. Diving in hungrily now to get more. Lost in her train of concentration she heard him say " Stop", and she quickly obeyed.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Dangers Lurk
Darkness comes an ocean spell
Curve of hip like inky swell
Lift of wave a sense of peace
Kiss and turn and never cease
Puff of wind small ripples spread
Bound upon this winter's bed
Awake inside small carnal thought
Liquid touches pleasures brought
Gentle breeze from pressures fall
Pebbles roll from sudden squall
Moonlight sparkles whitecaps bright
Petals bloom from apex plight
Winds increase and wavelets throw
Caresses stroke and pleasures grow
Foam and spindrift toss and fly
Hands spread spanks on tender thigh
Seas heap up like swollen mound
Throbbing deep from sacred ground
Lifting high and plunging deep
Whispers hiss and pleasures weep
Tumbling fall of solid green
Twinges near and senses keen
Driven foam and airborne spray
In my grip your helpless prey
Danger lurks in waters crest
Crescendo comes a welcome guest
Spasms deep wash guilt away
Contractions strong in hidden bay
Thunder claps its sweet release
Surge of pleasure golden fleece
Left all wet on smooth white sand
Redhead one there close at hand
Storm clouds part a golden break
Fathoms deep tired muscles ache
Close your eyes as showers fade
Drift off to sleep in quiet glade
Darkness comes an ocean spell
Curve of hip like inky swell
Lift of wave a sense of peace
Kiss and turn and never cease
Puff of wind small ripples spread
Bound upon this winter's bed
Awake inside small carnal thought
Liquid touches pleasures brought
Gentle breeze from pressures fall
Pebbles roll from sudden squall
Moonlight sparkles whitecaps bright
Petals bloom from apex plight
Winds increase and wavelets throw
Caresses stroke and pleasures grow
Foam and spindrift toss and fly
Hands spread spanks on tender thigh
Seas heap up like swollen mound
Throbbing deep from sacred ground
Lifting high and plunging deep
Whispers hiss and pleasures weep
Tumbling fall of solid green
Twinges near and senses keen
Driven foam and airborne spray
In my grip your helpless prey
Danger lurks in waters crest
Crescendo comes a welcome guest
Spasms deep wash guilt away
Contractions strong in hidden bay
Thunder claps its sweet release
Surge of pleasure golden fleece
Left all wet on smooth white sand
Redhead one there close at hand
Storm clouds part a golden break
Fathoms deep tired muscles ache
Close your eyes as showers fade
Drift off to sleep in quiet glade
Thursday, December 10, 2009
"The Den"
John had decided he had had enough. If he didn't get a massage soon he would scream. His work in landscaping was after all very taxing on the body. He needed to release some tension. He also needed to feel the tender touch of a woman again as it had been so long. John decided to go to a little place down the street a friend from work had told him about recently. Apparently it was a great place. His friend would go on and on about a little girl they called Tigress. He thought it strange that the directions led to an old warehouse but thought," what the heck" as curiosity over took him, he thought he would go ahead and give it a shot.
A very naughty smile crossed over his face as he thought about the things he could possibly do at one of these massage houses. He had been told they gave massages and so much more. John continued walking until he reached the small dark alleyway he had been instructed to take to get there. He approached the door in the side of the alley just marked The Den. Taking a step forward and pausing, he noticed a small frosted window in the door. He tried looking in, but discovering he could not see anything, he continued forward. Reaching for the door knob he turned and pushed the door open. His nostrils immediately met with the strong scent of eucalyptus. Now being further intrigued he stepped inside. As he shut the door a bell went off behind him.
John stood there for a minute taking in his surroundings, while his eyes adjusted to the dark having come in from the light outside. Looking around it was dark, and not much to see. It looked like an old abandoned warehouse. No desks or rooms or anything it just opened up to empty blackness. Suddenly out from the darkness somewhere he was greeted by a rather tall woman. She looked to be in her 40's , but still rather attractive. John could tell in her younger days she must have been quite a looker. She came toward him with an outstretched hand."Hello Sir, welcome to The Den. You can call me Mama,what can we serve you with today?"
Taking and cupping the hand of this lovely statuesque lady John paused to marvel at her beauty for a moment. Lost briefly as he scanned over her sweet curves.
"Mama, hmmmmm. The Den, good evening" John was a little puzzled at this strange greeting out of nowhere, with his senses on overload as he inhaled the scented eucalyptus now mixed with her gentle sweet scent. "Not quite sure,really I was told by a friend to pay you a visit and being I was looking for a blissful relaxing time, well uhhh, massage? sauna? maybe you can you tell me?" As his eyes once again began to scan the lovely vision before him.
"Oh I see you are a newbie." She chuckles a sweet little laugh." Yes I think Mama has just what you need tonight baby boy. Come her and give Mama a hug.", as she pulled him close to her breasts and held him close to her. John released her hand and allowed himself to be embraced and welcomed closer by this very enticing woman.
Her strong arms clenched around his and their bodies meet as John held her against him inhaling her perfume and feeling her smooth skin against his as her giggle echoed in his ear. Still being a little unsure, he felt at least possibly he was in good hands.
" Come on baby , come meet the kitties." she said, still holding his hand as she began to lead him lead down a long hall. There were several doors on either side, but they continued to walk, past the doors to the end of the hall. The smell of Eucalyptus getting stronger now, as they approached an even smaller door at the end of the hallway.
John walked behind Mama watching the sway of her hips, hypnotic in motion feeling her squeeze his hand, he continued to follow her down the hallway. Noticing the closed doors and indeed the scent growing, filling his nostrils.
the scent more pungent as she extended her hand and reached for the door knob. Turning and opening the door the eucalyptus exploded on his senses.
Mama lead John in and once inside he saw women everywhere, scantily clad women everywhere, "Okay honey Mama says, giggling a little at his first gasp taken in at such a beautiful bouquet of lovelies. "These are the kitties, what is your pleasure? redhead ,blond, brunette?" He notices now that it looks like each girl has their own cubicle, with hot tubs in each one,and now John knows where the smell of Eucalyptus is coming from. "So honey what'll it be?" Mama says, anxiously awaiting his decision.
Still in awe of the bevy of beauties he scans the room, at the choices before him one seemingly more lovely the other. "What a very enviable task before me, what flavor,hmm?" John looks over the room and squeezes Mama's hand even tighter now.
"Hmmmm anyone I want?, he asks looking Mama in the eyes, well if it really is anyone, then I pick You Mama. They are the kitties, but I want the Tigress of the den." Mama looks at him wide eyed as a small reddish hue flows over her cheeks.
" Ah that is very sweet lovey, but I am not for sell. I am the Mamma. Tigress you say.?..yes, I have just the girl follow me hun." she says grasping his hand a little tighter and pulling him along. Taking him to the back of the open room. Many of the girls flash him wanton glances, as he passes by. " Yes here we are. Your name sweetie what shall we call you?"
John exchanges glances with many of the ladies along the way drawn into their sinfully sexy eyes and looks ,supple lips warm smiles,provocative gestures. He tries to shake it off and stay focused." Errr ummm John." he exclaims rather quickly trying to come up with a name. As he stood there in the open space anxious to see what, or who Mama had selected for him. Inhaling deeply and already feeling the stress diminishing with just the ambiance surrounding him.
Mama looks at him and smiles warmly. " Pleasure to meet you John, this is Tigress our most sought after and experienced kittie. She will take real good care of you, now play nice Tigress this one is new." He watches as a 30's something comes from behind a sheer piece of cloth. She is a redhead, and he can't help himself but to gasp " A redhead" ,to which Mama replies, "Yes this is TigressnRed." Are you happy with this John?" you barely hear her as you are now captivated by the redhead beauty now fully before you. long strawberry blond hair, deep blue eyes, fair milky white skin, wearing a deep jaded green garter and corset that shows her cleavage and breasts quite nicely , slender not too tall but definitely petite.
long nails, a green see through robe matches her garter and black thigh highs and black boots, top off the look.
John snickers a little at Mama's "new" comment to Tigress. He pauses to take her in flaming locks draping her ivory canvas,sapphire sparkling and glimmering eyes sculpted face of a true goddess. He could tell she took very good care of her skin. He released Mamas hand now and leaned his weight to one side and just marveled. All his senses numb and only surveying this lovely, lovely woman,accented and enticing curves, lovely breasts, hair flowing nicely to her hips. John stood there trying to decide and decipher how Mama knew his taste. Her stature told him she had an air of confidence about her and possibly some fierceness in her. John thought to himself everything so perfect, age, hair, eyes, attire even if I had to create my dream woman." He began to lick his lips his desire for this woman's touch giving him away now. pulling himself together and realizing he was possibly giving too much of himself away too soon. He turned now to answer Mama after this long pause. "Yes, she, not this, is very acceptable indeed."
"Yes,I thought this would be just what you needed." Mama says, when suddenly John hears a familiar bell ring throughout the building. "Have fun kids, and she looks at Tigress sternly, be nice" Tigress just smiles a mischievous grin at Mama, and a knowing look is flashed between them. John thought that was rather odd, but quickly shrugged it off as he realized he was now left alone with this beauty, and not so sure what was in store for him. " Hello John ", she says in a sweet soft voice as she walks over to him and extends her hand to him.
Smiling at her touch,.and turning to Mama, he said, "Thank you very much Mama, you have chosen very well for me " "Thank you John several years in the business gains me that kind of experience." as she turns to blow him a playful kiss and then is gone in a flash to the newest customer.
John moved his hand so that his fingers interlocked with hers and raised her hand to his lips and kissed it. "Pleasure to meet you lovely woman. Mama seems to have quite an intuition as to my preference in a woman, but then again what man would not be envious of me right here right now." As he kissed her hand again and locked into her sapphires.
She blushed a little and said, "Thank you Sir you are too kind, would you like to come over here and sit on the bed and talk awhile?" She doesn't wait for his answer but leads him by the hand over behind the curtain where is displayed a rather large four poster bed in the middle of the room. It is draped in various silks of gold and green. Large and small pillows everywhere on the bed. There is a hot tub jacuzzi placed next to the bed, and one whole wall is covered in glass, next to the jacuzzi. Also he noticed on the opposite wall is what looks like a massage table with several shelves with oils and lotions. Incense is burning, that sweet smell of Eucalyptus. He sits on the bed following her lead, it is soft like down he thinks maybe. " So John, I would like to start by asking you if you are pleased with everything, because I can change anything you are not happy with?"
John fixes his gaze on her watching and looking. Turning to look her deeply in the eyes admiring her deep sapphires, watching her carefully as she shows him the room, then quickly refocusing again. His eyes feasting on her beauty. He gently nods his head to her question, and leans back on the bed his hands flat, back stretched out, and keeping his gaze squarely on her. She began to fidget a little and John could tell she was getting uncomfortable at his continued stares at her, and constantly trying to lock her eyes in to his.
"Hmmmmmm,there is one thing that we could alter." He snickers out loud as a Cheshire cat smile crosses his lips, his tongue in his cheek, raising his hips a bit in anticipation of what the evening may enfold to him. Releasing her hand,and answering her once again. "We could change a small little thing." She looks anxiously awaiting his request. "The amount of clothes on both of us." As he raises his hand to undo the top button of his shirt.She leans forward showing off her breasts in front of him and slowly crawls on the bed in between his legs. Cupping his hand in hers, she says "Oh well now John let me do that for you." As she takes his hand and removes it and quickly takes over the unbuttoning of his shirt.
As she does he feels her soft knuckles rubbing on his chest and her long finger nails ever so slightly touching his skin." So John tell me, she says locking eyes with him, and flashing a stunning yet devilish smile. John could tell she was trying to play a game with him, but he would allow it for now. "Who do you prefer to be in control here?"
Looking and watching her. Studying her intently,looking down at her fingers, feeling her kneeling between his thighs as she moves closer and looks at him awaiting his answer. Pausing a little for affect John leaned back on his elbows, he said, "Control. how does control come into play for a massage? I guess I have a lot in store for me, but I do usually like to dictate what happens on the bed." He raises his one knee and brushes it playfully along her hip.
She giggles as she takes in his sexy chest now rubbing her hands all over his broad chest and easing the shirt off his arms. " Just trying to get an idea what you are looking for sweetness, this is the part we here at the den call negotiations. So a massage is what you are after huh? " Ok , so you dictate the bed and I dictate everything else",she says rather flippantly and teasingly smiling that same mischievous smile he had seen earlier that evening. "I can definitely do that for you, what else will be the gentleman's pleasure?", she asks, batting her eyes at him in a smart allic yet seductive kind of way. John cannot help but snicker again at the playfulness of this little kittie. as she now begins to unbuckle the belt on his pants.
Feeling her sexy hands all over him, and now attending to his buckle. John watches. He studies her skillful fingers as they expertly undo his belt. "It seems you are reading my mind even without me uttering a word." As he extends his hand to caress her face and brush her hair from her face, placing it softly over her ear. Touching her sculpted cheekbones and then moving his hands along her shoulder and arm.
"Hmmm, negotiations. What is on the menu here at the den?" John looks down at his watch, and then continues. "I have no time frame, and I feel like there is no price on indulgence of the mind and body especially for such a treasure as you."
She blushes once again at his tender affections and words. She had never had a customer treat her with such affections. She began to think that there was much more to this man than her average. She quickly shook it off and got back to the business at hand. " Well Sir we have a special that I think will fit your desires quite nicely, she says as she removed his belt and began to unbutton and unzip his pants very slowly. " The special is a half hour massage, followed by a half hour in the hot tub, and 2 hours in the bed, does that sound like something you would like John, and I should mention the special is called the special because in that amount of time you can have any treat or desire you wish, all you need do is ask your wish is my command Sir, she says as she bowed her head at him, obviously playing the roll she thought he wanted her to take. She smiles warmly as her blue eyes dance looking at him like inviting waters. "Oh yes and you should know, she says as she now gets off the bed swinging her booted leg over him, turning and displaying her sweet small ass for John to admire, standing in front of him she goes to a closed armoir, she opens it and inside is a toy box of toys of every shape and size. John had never seen such a collection. Some of these toys he thought to himself I have, but some.... " well?" she says. " This is pleasing to you John?"
"Very,very,pleasing." If she needed confirmation of his pleasure John's bulge quickly announced it, as he was now completely taken and drawn in by her sapphires and her walk. The glide of her body to and from the armoire, her hair, watching her flaming locks bounce. John slid off the bed and allowed his pants to drop and pool on the floor before them. Staring at her with pleasure dancing in his eyes. His pleased state fully visible. " There is only one problem I can see Tigress, my pet, 1/2 and 1/2 and 2 that makes 3 hours, let's make it double that and let me lock you up for 6 hours and we'll see what happens from there,that is if you don't have any other appointments this evening?" he asked standing before her and inhaling deeply of the smell of Eucalyptus mixed with her lovely scent, while quickly stepping out of his pants
"Oh. no Sir if you are willing to pay Mama's price for the hours then I am at your service." So then we are agreed?' John nodded yes with a mischievous gleam in his eye. " very well then." She saunters over to him her boots clicking on the wooden planks beneath them. Bending down to her knees in front of him she slowly pulled down his underwear, he could feel her hot breath flowing over him as she was so close to his now completely exposed rather hard manhood. It came out of its hiding place with a little pop of the material and she grins ever so slightly, expertly removing the last bit of cloth between him and the feeling of her breath. looking up at him, she says "You will not need these for your massage Sir." as he lifts one foot and then the other, now standing in front of her naked, and anticipating her next move.
John just continued to look her deeply in her eyes seemingly not paying attention to what her hands were doing. Focusing intently on her eyes and her facial expression, her supple lips, as her tongue glided across her lips adding moisture, and giving her own desire away. Standing proudly before her, noticing that he was indeed naked now and she was still clad in her sexy attire.
Feeling his hardness grow, he continued watching her passionate dreamy eyes."very well then, he said finally." Meeting mamas price is not a problem as long as we have time I see us having a very pleasing time for us both". John extended his hand and softly brushed it across her chin.
"Very well then Sir shall we get started?" She says as she stood now still gazing into his eyes, she grabbed his wrists and wrapped them around her waist and pulled him close into her small framed body. John feeling her breasts brushing up against his chest as her hips met his hips and her pantie clad pussy rubbed against his hard cock. Still holding on to his wrists she pulled him leading him over to the massage table. She looked at him and smiled softly, still entranced by his eyes.
She now begins thinking to herself, what is the power he seems to hold over me, no one has spent this much time looking me in her eyes. His eyes so tender and compassionate, and yet so dark and mysterious. In fact most customers try to avoid my eyes? what is it about this guy, that has me so bothered, and this energy he carries with him? You are a professional snap out of it Tina!" You can not allow yourself to slip.
"Would you like to lie down John, on your stomach." She said motioning him to the table. John lay down only to eager, to get this long awaited massage started. John was left now with only his remaining four senses to enjoy this pampering as he could no longer see the beauty, with his face down in the table. John could hear the clicking of her boots as she went to the shelf next to him. He could hear her fumbling around and then suddenly she was standing at his side. " Okay John, why don't you tell me something about yourself." She is taking him in lying naked before her, now examining from behind, he was strong, muscular, yes she thought to herself he may certainly dictate the bed play. She smiled a little. Suddenly John felt hot towels being placed all over his backside. They were wet and hot, almost too hot, but then he felt the heat working into those exasperated muscles.
John squeezed tightly at the feel of the warm, rather hotness he felt. He took a deep breath now relaxing into and welcoming the soothing powers of the heat soaking into him. His arms stretched out in front of him he picked up his head and turned to face Tina, yet his eyes remained closed as he savored the ambiance she had created for him. John was laying on his ever hardening cock that she had aroused when she was leaning against it and the hardness of it matched the hunger in his now aching groin.
"Me, what would you like to know? Seems you already have a head start on learning about me." John took a deep breath and felt the hot towel on his ass as the water traveled to his balls and cock soothing him. "Well lets see, I own a landscaping company as you can tell by my hands." Deciding to show her would be better than talking John rubbed his strong hands on her thighs and massaged your hips. Then as he was feeling very relaxed and ready he allowed his hand to snake to her inner thighs and rub her upper thighs. Tina was starting to grow very wet just st the presence of this man, but his touch was so tender and even through his hardworking calloused hands she could feel his compassion for her. "Mostly design the work now so i have an eye for beauty, much like you." John turned to look at her again with his green eyes fixed watching for her reactions both to his words and to his touch. He then inhaled deeply and closed his eyes again, as he muttered "Very very hot."
pulling his hand from between her legs. Tina could not help but to be a little disappointed as she was starting to relax and enjoy his touch.
"As you can see its a stressful job and I do like pampering myself, in more than one way." John chuckled a little at his own wit stretching his 5'10 muscular frame across the table,and now teasingly turning his head to the other side looking away from her, as the hot water further soothed his aching loins.
" Landscaping huh? " she says as she began now to place hot rocks on his back. One on each shoulder, practically forcing him to have to stay still now. His touch really is inviting, different somehow than the rest of the hands she has felt before. She begins to line the hot rocks down his spine, between broad shoulders. Then lastly places a rock on each ass cheek. The towels have cooled now, but the rocks being hotter than the towels, begin to feel as if they are melting into his back. "Well that explains the tired, over worked muscles, this should get us a good start at relaxing you. What kind of music do you like John?"
the heat from the rocks surged through his skin and stimulating muscles and nerves as she pulled away the hot towels and drug them across his body. John flexed his ass cheeks, as he was aware at her longing gazing at his backside. Feeling playful and a bit rebellious himself he made the rocks roll off. One of the rocks rolled down between his ass cheeks and rested against his cock and balls making him grind into the table. Tina watched this show of tomfoolery and chuckled as John voiced seemed to go up a half octave. John shrugged it off and continued "mmmmmmmm yes
music? I like all kinds as long it has feeling. Jazz is good, ethnic music, Greek particularly, just about anything except rap, and you? sweet Ti...Tina is it? What music does the lovely Tins like to listen too, what kind of music stimulates you? " he asked with a devilish grin.
Feeling her hand reach for the displaced rocks as her fingernails raked his ever thickening shaft. "Nice touch." John thought to himself, then quickly added "What you have on is fine with me. As it is I am more in tune with you, and the music escaping your lips created by you. The click clack of your heels as you walk. The slight sigh as we touch." Taking opportunity John slipped his hand between her thighs again and cupped her already wet pussy, pressing his palm into her mound, taking notice that she was completely smooth. With that Tina allowed a low moan to echo in the room. John whispered very quietly. "Your melodic moan....see just like that." Still keeping his eyes closed as if he was a blind master musician so beautifully playing his instrument.
She was beginning to figure it out. It was the way he spoke to her, that low, firm controlled tone of his as if he had brought her to this place, and planned this evening. As if she was the captive of his desire. They way he seemed to look right through her with those deep green eyes as if she was not just some two bit whore making her buck for the night. The way he touched her as if she had never been touched. The way she moaned as if she was waiting her whole life just to feel his touch and his touch alone. she smiled, biting her bottom lip just a bit. " okay John", she said matter of factly, her heels clicking across the floor as she returned to the shelf and came back to the side of him. She poured a fragrant lotion on his back and began to rub and kneed the individual muscles in his strong back, softly, but not too softly. John watched her succulent, supple thighs, moving around him. her mound rubbing against his ribs and side.
John welcomed her back eagerly, as she returned from grabbing the lotion. Something about this girl entranced him, captivated him. Her touch, her gentle touch along his muscles along his spine and shoulders loosening the stiffness and at the same time sending all that stiffness to his cock. John lifted his hips and slid his hand to his cock to adjust it. Spreading his legs now giving her a full shot of himself and pushing his cock down so that it is between his thighs. Suddenly John feels a slick, soft hand over his. "Let me take care of that for you." Tina says as she adjusts for him, giving it a slow long teasing stroke. "More comfy?"
"Yes." John answers doing a little moaning himself, reveling and enjoy the expertise of her touch. Her soft hands along his stiff cock her palm kneads his balls and she slides your hand up his ass cheeks. John exhales deeply. "Feeling ok?" ,Tina asks
"Yes very okay as you can tell." So how about you Tina, how are you feeling? Tell me a little something about yourself, let's get acquainted if it's not too personal? John was unsure of proper protocol here but he figured she had asked him so it was worth a shot. Tina giggled a little, it was very unique for a customer to ask her about herself. Oh, sure she had asked him but it was her job to make light chit chat with the customers, just to make them feel a little more comfortable, and to establish long time repeat clients. No one had ever asked her about herself. of course no other customer had made her feel the way he was making her feel either.
"Acquainted?" she says a little shake in her voice. Trying to distract this over curious man she decided to turn up the heat a little. as he was turning up the heat on her. She pressed down on him with all the might she could muster, causing her pert nipples to drag on his back. Straddling his thigh and grinding her warm moist mound against him. Feeling very pleased with herself and listening as John breaths got deeper and more relaxed. Tina continued. "Yes I think we should get acquainted ,and no you are not being too forward." Tina lied hoping to cover the insecurity she felt inside at this moment with this man. Her palms making their way up his back, running her fingers in his hair, pressing his scalp. John felt shivers go through him like electricity though less from what she was doing as more from her vulnerability exposed to him.
Acquainted? she thinks to herself. what am I supposed to tell this man. That when I am not working I go home to be a loving housewife, that I've been married fifteen years, and have two beautiful boys. With a husband whom the only thing I have in common with is sex. That I long for a different life. No this was all too personal she thought to herself. "Um, well I don't really know what to say John, I graduated from high school and took two years of college." High school? college? that was the best you could come up with. Wishing she could take it all back now and feeling a little more like a tongue tied schoolgirl than a consummate professional. She decided that was enough talking, "Flip over now John." Seeing his hardened shaft she reached over to get some warming oil from the shelf. She grasped it softly but firmly in her hands and began to stroke it, up and down slowly, then taking her fingertips lightly dragging them against it, she took just her finger tips to the head of his cock pulling and dragging just the head until she saw the precum start to come forward.
Seeing that she was getting a little flustered, John decided that it would be best to not continue on this line of questioning, perhaps later. He opened his eyes and looked at her and watched as her sweet eyes at first looked down at his shaft and then down his legs as he spread them wider for her. watching intently as her small fist slid up and down, feeling his cock throb to the beat she was creating. John caught her eyes and smiled hoping to offer some quiet comfort to her, he reached out to stroke her back. Gathering her hair to one side to see more of her vanilla smooth skin,such contrast to her flaming mane. John could feel the oils soak into his shaft, with a subtle warmth, looking deeply into her eyes as the precum oozed from the head.
She slightly arches her back enticed by the site of it collecting over the head of his hard cock. She watches it in hunger as John watches her with the same hunger. She doesn't give it a chance to drip but instead places her finger over the tip with her finger and smears it, swirling it over over the head and running her palm over and back down to the base. John keeps his eyes on her the whole time watching intently at her hypnotic gaze as she caters to his needs,watching her collect her thoughts or perhaps drifting in and out with other thoughts. This creature before him so beautiful , mysterious, intriguing."hmmmmmmm", low moans now rising to escape out of John as she squeezes hard, stroking upward and hard with her thumb on his biggest vein, inducing more precum to come to the top. "gggggrrrr" John growls as the feelings of satisfaction start to wash over him,
She bends her head down now and just with the tip of her tongue licks just the tip of the head of his cock. Tasting the sweetness of the pre cum and watching as he jumps just a little. John reaches to hold her flaming mane in pony tail so as to get a full view of her tongue circling, hungrily around the tip of his cock. John lifts his hips just a little, sending a jolt down his shaft."mmmmmm, very very nice, like the taste?" John marvels at her playful tongue lathering and bathing his head in her saliva pushing his cock to his stomach and dragging her tongue down his vein, gently flicking his balls and then running her tongue flat on the underside of his cock to the head, teasing the crown again, flashing her teeth over it,just grazing. John growls and sighs, releasing her hair, watching as it drapes over the side of her face. "Sweet?" John says now starting to feel more in control.
"Oh, yes Sir very sweet.". she says flashing him a devilish look as she takes his whole cock in her mouth now, grasping the bottom and pulling upwards as her mouth goes up and down, in and out, her saliva dripping all over him, playing with his balls and squeezing ever so slightly, She moves faster as he watches her hair flowing over him, John throws his head back ever so close now, She moves faster and harder, even longer strokes as she takes him all in. Then when he could stand it no longer, and feeling fully in control now, John spoke,"Mmmmm Tina, we have lots of time no rush for that." He reached down and pulled his cock out of her mouth, holding it inches from her lips. Looking into her eyes he saw a deep hunger emanating from them a deep carnal hunger. She lunged with her lips again and sucked the head spitting on the head as he leaned back, doing all he could not to explode. He reached around to the back of your head,and grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked her lips away from his cock. He watched her smile, as if she was ready to fight for it. John smiled back. Tina loved the feel of a man's hands in her hair and welcoming the yank of her hair she tried again to lunge for his cock. John again tightened his grasp on her so arousing red flaming hair wrapping around his wrist, holding her at bay.
John reached down and grabbed his hard cock at the base,and cock slapped her lips as strings of precum laced her face. "Hmmmmm, feisty aren't you I see now why they call you Tigress, but I shall call you petite My petite."
John had decided he had had enough. If he didn't get a massage soon he would scream. His work in landscaping was after all very taxing on the body. He needed to release some tension. He also needed to feel the tender touch of a woman again as it had been so long. John decided to go to a little place down the street a friend from work had told him about recently. Apparently it was a great place. His friend would go on and on about a little girl they called Tigress. He thought it strange that the directions led to an old warehouse but thought," what the heck" as curiosity over took him, he thought he would go ahead and give it a shot.
A very naughty smile crossed over his face as he thought about the things he could possibly do at one of these massage houses. He had been told they gave massages and so much more. John continued walking until he reached the small dark alleyway he had been instructed to take to get there. He approached the door in the side of the alley just marked The Den. Taking a step forward and pausing, he noticed a small frosted window in the door. He tried looking in, but discovering he could not see anything, he continued forward. Reaching for the door knob he turned and pushed the door open. His nostrils immediately met with the strong scent of eucalyptus. Now being further intrigued he stepped inside. As he shut the door a bell went off behind him.
John stood there for a minute taking in his surroundings, while his eyes adjusted to the dark having come in from the light outside. Looking around it was dark, and not much to see. It looked like an old abandoned warehouse. No desks or rooms or anything it just opened up to empty blackness. Suddenly out from the darkness somewhere he was greeted by a rather tall woman. She looked to be in her 40's , but still rather attractive. John could tell in her younger days she must have been quite a looker. She came toward him with an outstretched hand."Hello Sir, welcome to The Den. You can call me Mama,what can we serve you with today?"
Taking and cupping the hand of this lovely statuesque lady John paused to marvel at her beauty for a moment. Lost briefly as he scanned over her sweet curves.
"Mama, hmmmmm. The Den, good evening" John was a little puzzled at this strange greeting out of nowhere, with his senses on overload as he inhaled the scented eucalyptus now mixed with her gentle sweet scent. "Not quite sure,really I was told by a friend to pay you a visit and being I was looking for a blissful relaxing time, well uhhh, massage? sauna? maybe you can you tell me?" As his eyes once again began to scan the lovely vision before him.
"Oh I see you are a newbie." She chuckles a sweet little laugh." Yes I think Mama has just what you need tonight baby boy. Come her and give Mama a hug.", as she pulled him close to her breasts and held him close to her. John released her hand and allowed himself to be embraced and welcomed closer by this very enticing woman.
Her strong arms clenched around his and their bodies meet as John held her against him inhaling her perfume and feeling her smooth skin against his as her giggle echoed in his ear. Still being a little unsure, he felt at least possibly he was in good hands.
" Come on baby , come meet the kitties." she said, still holding his hand as she began to lead him lead down a long hall. There were several doors on either side, but they continued to walk, past the doors to the end of the hall. The smell of Eucalyptus getting stronger now, as they approached an even smaller door at the end of the hallway.
John walked behind Mama watching the sway of her hips, hypnotic in motion feeling her squeeze his hand, he continued to follow her down the hallway. Noticing the closed doors and indeed the scent growing, filling his nostrils.
the scent more pungent as she extended her hand and reached for the door knob. Turning and opening the door the eucalyptus exploded on his senses.
Mama lead John in and once inside he saw women everywhere, scantily clad women everywhere, "Okay honey Mama says, giggling a little at his first gasp taken in at such a beautiful bouquet of lovelies. "These are the kitties, what is your pleasure? redhead ,blond, brunette?" He notices now that it looks like each girl has their own cubicle, with hot tubs in each one,and now John knows where the smell of Eucalyptus is coming from. "So honey what'll it be?" Mama says, anxiously awaiting his decision.
Still in awe of the bevy of beauties he scans the room, at the choices before him one seemingly more lovely the other. "What a very enviable task before me, what flavor,hmm?" John looks over the room and squeezes Mama's hand even tighter now.
"Hmmmm anyone I want?, he asks looking Mama in the eyes, well if it really is anyone, then I pick You Mama. They are the kitties, but I want the Tigress of the den." Mama looks at him wide eyed as a small reddish hue flows over her cheeks.
" Ah that is very sweet lovey, but I am not for sell. I am the Mamma. Tigress you say.?..yes, I have just the girl follow me hun." she says grasping his hand a little tighter and pulling him along. Taking him to the back of the open room. Many of the girls flash him wanton glances, as he passes by. " Yes here we are. Your name sweetie what shall we call you?"
John exchanges glances with many of the ladies along the way drawn into their sinfully sexy eyes and looks ,supple lips warm smiles,provocative gestures. He tries to shake it off and stay focused." Errr ummm John." he exclaims rather quickly trying to come up with a name. As he stood there in the open space anxious to see what, or who Mama had selected for him. Inhaling deeply and already feeling the stress diminishing with just the ambiance surrounding him.
Mama looks at him and smiles warmly. " Pleasure to meet you John, this is Tigress our most sought after and experienced kittie. She will take real good care of you, now play nice Tigress this one is new." He watches as a 30's something comes from behind a sheer piece of cloth. She is a redhead, and he can't help himself but to gasp " A redhead" ,to which Mama replies, "Yes this is TigressnRed." Are you happy with this John?" you barely hear her as you are now captivated by the redhead beauty now fully before you. long strawberry blond hair, deep blue eyes, fair milky white skin, wearing a deep jaded green garter and corset that shows her cleavage and breasts quite nicely , slender not too tall but definitely petite.
long nails, a green see through robe matches her garter and black thigh highs and black boots, top off the look.
John snickers a little at Mama's "new" comment to Tigress. He pauses to take her in flaming locks draping her ivory canvas,sapphire sparkling and glimmering eyes sculpted face of a true goddess. He could tell she took very good care of her skin. He released Mamas hand now and leaned his weight to one side and just marveled. All his senses numb and only surveying this lovely, lovely woman,accented and enticing curves, lovely breasts, hair flowing nicely to her hips. John stood there trying to decide and decipher how Mama knew his taste. Her stature told him she had an air of confidence about her and possibly some fierceness in her. John thought to himself everything so perfect, age, hair, eyes, attire even if I had to create my dream woman." He began to lick his lips his desire for this woman's touch giving him away now. pulling himself together and realizing he was possibly giving too much of himself away too soon. He turned now to answer Mama after this long pause. "Yes, she, not this, is very acceptable indeed."
"Yes,I thought this would be just what you needed." Mama says, when suddenly John hears a familiar bell ring throughout the building. "Have fun kids, and she looks at Tigress sternly, be nice" Tigress just smiles a mischievous grin at Mama, and a knowing look is flashed between them. John thought that was rather odd, but quickly shrugged it off as he realized he was now left alone with this beauty, and not so sure what was in store for him. " Hello John ", she says in a sweet soft voice as she walks over to him and extends her hand to him.
Smiling at her touch,.and turning to Mama, he said, "Thank you very much Mama, you have chosen very well for me " "Thank you John several years in the business gains me that kind of experience." as she turns to blow him a playful kiss and then is gone in a flash to the newest customer.
John moved his hand so that his fingers interlocked with hers and raised her hand to his lips and kissed it. "Pleasure to meet you lovely woman. Mama seems to have quite an intuition as to my preference in a woman, but then again what man would not be envious of me right here right now." As he kissed her hand again and locked into her sapphires.
She blushed a little and said, "Thank you Sir you are too kind, would you like to come over here and sit on the bed and talk awhile?" She doesn't wait for his answer but leads him by the hand over behind the curtain where is displayed a rather large four poster bed in the middle of the room. It is draped in various silks of gold and green. Large and small pillows everywhere on the bed. There is a hot tub jacuzzi placed next to the bed, and one whole wall is covered in glass, next to the jacuzzi. Also he noticed on the opposite wall is what looks like a massage table with several shelves with oils and lotions. Incense is burning, that sweet smell of Eucalyptus. He sits on the bed following her lead, it is soft like down he thinks maybe. " So John, I would like to start by asking you if you are pleased with everything, because I can change anything you are not happy with?"
John fixes his gaze on her watching and looking. Turning to look her deeply in the eyes admiring her deep sapphires, watching her carefully as she shows him the room, then quickly refocusing again. His eyes feasting on her beauty. He gently nods his head to her question, and leans back on the bed his hands flat, back stretched out, and keeping his gaze squarely on her. She began to fidget a little and John could tell she was getting uncomfortable at his continued stares at her, and constantly trying to lock her eyes in to his.
"Hmmmmmm,there is one thing that we could alter." He snickers out loud as a Cheshire cat smile crosses his lips, his tongue in his cheek, raising his hips a bit in anticipation of what the evening may enfold to him. Releasing her hand,and answering her once again. "We could change a small little thing." She looks anxiously awaiting his request. "The amount of clothes on both of us." As he raises his hand to undo the top button of his shirt.She leans forward showing off her breasts in front of him and slowly crawls on the bed in between his legs. Cupping his hand in hers, she says "Oh well now John let me do that for you." As she takes his hand and removes it and quickly takes over the unbuttoning of his shirt.
As she does he feels her soft knuckles rubbing on his chest and her long finger nails ever so slightly touching his skin." So John tell me, she says locking eyes with him, and flashing a stunning yet devilish smile. John could tell she was trying to play a game with him, but he would allow it for now. "Who do you prefer to be in control here?"
Looking and watching her. Studying her intently,looking down at her fingers, feeling her kneeling between his thighs as she moves closer and looks at him awaiting his answer. Pausing a little for affect John leaned back on his elbows, he said, "Control. how does control come into play for a massage? I guess I have a lot in store for me, but I do usually like to dictate what happens on the bed." He raises his one knee and brushes it playfully along her hip.
She giggles as she takes in his sexy chest now rubbing her hands all over his broad chest and easing the shirt off his arms. " Just trying to get an idea what you are looking for sweetness, this is the part we here at the den call negotiations. So a massage is what you are after huh? " Ok , so you dictate the bed and I dictate everything else",she says rather flippantly and teasingly smiling that same mischievous smile he had seen earlier that evening. "I can definitely do that for you, what else will be the gentleman's pleasure?", she asks, batting her eyes at him in a smart allic yet seductive kind of way. John cannot help but snicker again at the playfulness of this little kittie. as she now begins to unbuckle the belt on his pants.
Feeling her sexy hands all over him, and now attending to his buckle. John watches. He studies her skillful fingers as they expertly undo his belt. "It seems you are reading my mind even without me uttering a word." As he extends his hand to caress her face and brush her hair from her face, placing it softly over her ear. Touching her sculpted cheekbones and then moving his hands along her shoulder and arm.
"Hmmm, negotiations. What is on the menu here at the den?" John looks down at his watch, and then continues. "I have no time frame, and I feel like there is no price on indulgence of the mind and body especially for such a treasure as you."
She blushes once again at his tender affections and words. She had never had a customer treat her with such affections. She began to think that there was much more to this man than her average. She quickly shook it off and got back to the business at hand. " Well Sir we have a special that I think will fit your desires quite nicely, she says as she removed his belt and began to unbutton and unzip his pants very slowly. " The special is a half hour massage, followed by a half hour in the hot tub, and 2 hours in the bed, does that sound like something you would like John, and I should mention the special is called the special because in that amount of time you can have any treat or desire you wish, all you need do is ask your wish is my command Sir, she says as she bowed her head at him, obviously playing the roll she thought he wanted her to take. She smiles warmly as her blue eyes dance looking at him like inviting waters. "Oh yes and you should know, she says as she now gets off the bed swinging her booted leg over him, turning and displaying her sweet small ass for John to admire, standing in front of him she goes to a closed armoir, she opens it and inside is a toy box of toys of every shape and size. John had never seen such a collection. Some of these toys he thought to himself I have, but some.... " well?" she says. " This is pleasing to you John?"
"Very,very,pleasing." If she needed confirmation of his pleasure John's bulge quickly announced it, as he was now completely taken and drawn in by her sapphires and her walk. The glide of her body to and from the armoire, her hair, watching her flaming locks bounce. John slid off the bed and allowed his pants to drop and pool on the floor before them. Staring at her with pleasure dancing in his eyes. His pleased state fully visible. " There is only one problem I can see Tigress, my pet, 1/2 and 1/2 and 2 that makes 3 hours, let's make it double that and let me lock you up for 6 hours and we'll see what happens from there,that is if you don't have any other appointments this evening?" he asked standing before her and inhaling deeply of the smell of Eucalyptus mixed with her lovely scent, while quickly stepping out of his pants
"Oh. no Sir if you are willing to pay Mama's price for the hours then I am at your service." So then we are agreed?' John nodded yes with a mischievous gleam in his eye. " very well then." She saunters over to him her boots clicking on the wooden planks beneath them. Bending down to her knees in front of him she slowly pulled down his underwear, he could feel her hot breath flowing over him as she was so close to his now completely exposed rather hard manhood. It came out of its hiding place with a little pop of the material and she grins ever so slightly, expertly removing the last bit of cloth between him and the feeling of her breath. looking up at him, she says "You will not need these for your massage Sir." as he lifts one foot and then the other, now standing in front of her naked, and anticipating her next move.
John just continued to look her deeply in her eyes seemingly not paying attention to what her hands were doing. Focusing intently on her eyes and her facial expression, her supple lips, as her tongue glided across her lips adding moisture, and giving her own desire away. Standing proudly before her, noticing that he was indeed naked now and she was still clad in her sexy attire.
Feeling his hardness grow, he continued watching her passionate dreamy eyes."very well then, he said finally." Meeting mamas price is not a problem as long as we have time I see us having a very pleasing time for us both". John extended his hand and softly brushed it across her chin.
"Very well then Sir shall we get started?" She says as she stood now still gazing into his eyes, she grabbed his wrists and wrapped them around her waist and pulled him close into her small framed body. John feeling her breasts brushing up against his chest as her hips met his hips and her pantie clad pussy rubbed against his hard cock. Still holding on to his wrists she pulled him leading him over to the massage table. She looked at him and smiled softly, still entranced by his eyes.
She now begins thinking to herself, what is the power he seems to hold over me, no one has spent this much time looking me in her eyes. His eyes so tender and compassionate, and yet so dark and mysterious. In fact most customers try to avoid my eyes? what is it about this guy, that has me so bothered, and this energy he carries with him? You are a professional snap out of it Tina!" You can not allow yourself to slip.
"Would you like to lie down John, on your stomach." She said motioning him to the table. John lay down only to eager, to get this long awaited massage started. John was left now with only his remaining four senses to enjoy this pampering as he could no longer see the beauty, with his face down in the table. John could hear the clicking of her boots as she went to the shelf next to him. He could hear her fumbling around and then suddenly she was standing at his side. " Okay John, why don't you tell me something about yourself." She is taking him in lying naked before her, now examining from behind, he was strong, muscular, yes she thought to herself he may certainly dictate the bed play. She smiled a little. Suddenly John felt hot towels being placed all over his backside. They were wet and hot, almost too hot, but then he felt the heat working into those exasperated muscles.
John squeezed tightly at the feel of the warm, rather hotness he felt. He took a deep breath now relaxing into and welcoming the soothing powers of the heat soaking into him. His arms stretched out in front of him he picked up his head and turned to face Tina, yet his eyes remained closed as he savored the ambiance she had created for him. John was laying on his ever hardening cock that she had aroused when she was leaning against it and the hardness of it matched the hunger in his now aching groin.
"Me, what would you like to know? Seems you already have a head start on learning about me." John took a deep breath and felt the hot towel on his ass as the water traveled to his balls and cock soothing him. "Well lets see, I own a landscaping company as you can tell by my hands." Deciding to show her would be better than talking John rubbed his strong hands on her thighs and massaged your hips. Then as he was feeling very relaxed and ready he allowed his hand to snake to her inner thighs and rub her upper thighs. Tina was starting to grow very wet just st the presence of this man, but his touch was so tender and even through his hardworking calloused hands she could feel his compassion for her. "Mostly design the work now so i have an eye for beauty, much like you." John turned to look at her again with his green eyes fixed watching for her reactions both to his words and to his touch. He then inhaled deeply and closed his eyes again, as he muttered "Very very hot."
pulling his hand from between her legs. Tina could not help but to be a little disappointed as she was starting to relax and enjoy his touch.
"As you can see its a stressful job and I do like pampering myself, in more than one way." John chuckled a little at his own wit stretching his 5'10 muscular frame across the table,and now teasingly turning his head to the other side looking away from her, as the hot water further soothed his aching loins.
" Landscaping huh? " she says as she began now to place hot rocks on his back. One on each shoulder, practically forcing him to have to stay still now. His touch really is inviting, different somehow than the rest of the hands she has felt before. She begins to line the hot rocks down his spine, between broad shoulders. Then lastly places a rock on each ass cheek. The towels have cooled now, but the rocks being hotter than the towels, begin to feel as if they are melting into his back. "Well that explains the tired, over worked muscles, this should get us a good start at relaxing you. What kind of music do you like John?"
the heat from the rocks surged through his skin and stimulating muscles and nerves as she pulled away the hot towels and drug them across his body. John flexed his ass cheeks, as he was aware at her longing gazing at his backside. Feeling playful and a bit rebellious himself he made the rocks roll off. One of the rocks rolled down between his ass cheeks and rested against his cock and balls making him grind into the table. Tina watched this show of tomfoolery and chuckled as John voiced seemed to go up a half octave. John shrugged it off and continued "mmmmmmmm yes
music? I like all kinds as long it has feeling. Jazz is good, ethnic music, Greek particularly, just about anything except rap, and you? sweet Ti...Tina is it? What music does the lovely Tins like to listen too, what kind of music stimulates you? " he asked with a devilish grin.
Feeling her hand reach for the displaced rocks as her fingernails raked his ever thickening shaft. "Nice touch." John thought to himself, then quickly added "What you have on is fine with me. As it is I am more in tune with you, and the music escaping your lips created by you. The click clack of your heels as you walk. The slight sigh as we touch." Taking opportunity John slipped his hand between her thighs again and cupped her already wet pussy, pressing his palm into her mound, taking notice that she was completely smooth. With that Tina allowed a low moan to echo in the room. John whispered very quietly. "Your melodic moan....see just like that." Still keeping his eyes closed as if he was a blind master musician so beautifully playing his instrument.
She was beginning to figure it out. It was the way he spoke to her, that low, firm controlled tone of his as if he had brought her to this place, and planned this evening. As if she was the captive of his desire. They way he seemed to look right through her with those deep green eyes as if she was not just some two bit whore making her buck for the night. The way he touched her as if she had never been touched. The way she moaned as if she was waiting her whole life just to feel his touch and his touch alone. she smiled, biting her bottom lip just a bit. " okay John", she said matter of factly, her heels clicking across the floor as she returned to the shelf and came back to the side of him. She poured a fragrant lotion on his back and began to rub and kneed the individual muscles in his strong back, softly, but not too softly. John watched her succulent, supple thighs, moving around him. her mound rubbing against his ribs and side.
John welcomed her back eagerly, as she returned from grabbing the lotion. Something about this girl entranced him, captivated him. Her touch, her gentle touch along his muscles along his spine and shoulders loosening the stiffness and at the same time sending all that stiffness to his cock. John lifted his hips and slid his hand to his cock to adjust it. Spreading his legs now giving her a full shot of himself and pushing his cock down so that it is between his thighs. Suddenly John feels a slick, soft hand over his. "Let me take care of that for you." Tina says as she adjusts for him, giving it a slow long teasing stroke. "More comfy?"
"Yes." John answers doing a little moaning himself, reveling and enjoy the expertise of her touch. Her soft hands along his stiff cock her palm kneads his balls and she slides your hand up his ass cheeks. John exhales deeply. "Feeling ok?" ,Tina asks
"Yes very okay as you can tell." So how about you Tina, how are you feeling? Tell me a little something about yourself, let's get acquainted if it's not too personal? John was unsure of proper protocol here but he figured she had asked him so it was worth a shot. Tina giggled a little, it was very unique for a customer to ask her about herself. Oh, sure she had asked him but it was her job to make light chit chat with the customers, just to make them feel a little more comfortable, and to establish long time repeat clients. No one had ever asked her about herself. of course no other customer had made her feel the way he was making her feel either.
"Acquainted?" she says a little shake in her voice. Trying to distract this over curious man she decided to turn up the heat a little. as he was turning up the heat on her. She pressed down on him with all the might she could muster, causing her pert nipples to drag on his back. Straddling his thigh and grinding her warm moist mound against him. Feeling very pleased with herself and listening as John breaths got deeper and more relaxed. Tina continued. "Yes I think we should get acquainted ,and no you are not being too forward." Tina lied hoping to cover the insecurity she felt inside at this moment with this man. Her palms making their way up his back, running her fingers in his hair, pressing his scalp. John felt shivers go through him like electricity though less from what she was doing as more from her vulnerability exposed to him.
Acquainted? she thinks to herself. what am I supposed to tell this man. That when I am not working I go home to be a loving housewife, that I've been married fifteen years, and have two beautiful boys. With a husband whom the only thing I have in common with is sex. That I long for a different life. No this was all too personal she thought to herself. "Um, well I don't really know what to say John, I graduated from high school and took two years of college." High school? college? that was the best you could come up with. Wishing she could take it all back now and feeling a little more like a tongue tied schoolgirl than a consummate professional. She decided that was enough talking, "Flip over now John." Seeing his hardened shaft she reached over to get some warming oil from the shelf. She grasped it softly but firmly in her hands and began to stroke it, up and down slowly, then taking her fingertips lightly dragging them against it, she took just her finger tips to the head of his cock pulling and dragging just the head until she saw the precum start to come forward.
Seeing that she was getting a little flustered, John decided that it would be best to not continue on this line of questioning, perhaps later. He opened his eyes and looked at her and watched as her sweet eyes at first looked down at his shaft and then down his legs as he spread them wider for her. watching intently as her small fist slid up and down, feeling his cock throb to the beat she was creating. John caught her eyes and smiled hoping to offer some quiet comfort to her, he reached out to stroke her back. Gathering her hair to one side to see more of her vanilla smooth skin,such contrast to her flaming mane. John could feel the oils soak into his shaft, with a subtle warmth, looking deeply into her eyes as the precum oozed from the head.
She slightly arches her back enticed by the site of it collecting over the head of his hard cock. She watches it in hunger as John watches her with the same hunger. She doesn't give it a chance to drip but instead places her finger over the tip with her finger and smears it, swirling it over over the head and running her palm over and back down to the base. John keeps his eyes on her the whole time watching intently at her hypnotic gaze as she caters to his needs,watching her collect her thoughts or perhaps drifting in and out with other thoughts. This creature before him so beautiful , mysterious, intriguing."hmmmmmmm", low moans now rising to escape out of John as she squeezes hard, stroking upward and hard with her thumb on his biggest vein, inducing more precum to come to the top. "gggggrrrr" John growls as the feelings of satisfaction start to wash over him,
She bends her head down now and just with the tip of her tongue licks just the tip of the head of his cock. Tasting the sweetness of the pre cum and watching as he jumps just a little. John reaches to hold her flaming mane in pony tail so as to get a full view of her tongue circling, hungrily around the tip of his cock. John lifts his hips just a little, sending a jolt down his shaft."mmmmmm, very very nice, like the taste?" John marvels at her playful tongue lathering and bathing his head in her saliva pushing his cock to his stomach and dragging her tongue down his vein, gently flicking his balls and then running her tongue flat on the underside of his cock to the head, teasing the crown again, flashing her teeth over it,just grazing. John growls and sighs, releasing her hair, watching as it drapes over the side of her face. "Sweet?" John says now starting to feel more in control.
"Oh, yes Sir very sweet.". she says flashing him a devilish look as she takes his whole cock in her mouth now, grasping the bottom and pulling upwards as her mouth goes up and down, in and out, her saliva dripping all over him, playing with his balls and squeezing ever so slightly, She moves faster as he watches her hair flowing over him, John throws his head back ever so close now, She moves faster and harder, even longer strokes as she takes him all in. Then when he could stand it no longer, and feeling fully in control now, John spoke,"Mmmmm Tina, we have lots of time no rush for that." He reached down and pulled his cock out of her mouth, holding it inches from her lips. Looking into her eyes he saw a deep hunger emanating from them a deep carnal hunger. She lunged with her lips again and sucked the head spitting on the head as he leaned back, doing all he could not to explode. He reached around to the back of your head,and grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked her lips away from his cock. He watched her smile, as if she was ready to fight for it. John smiled back. Tina loved the feel of a man's hands in her hair and welcoming the yank of her hair she tried again to lunge for his cock. John again tightened his grasp on her so arousing red flaming hair wrapping around his wrist, holding her at bay.
John reached down and grabbed his hard cock at the base,and cock slapped her lips as strings of precum laced her face. "Hmmmmm, feisty aren't you I see now why they call you Tigress, but I shall call you petite My petite."
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Killing Me Softly
fills a large tub full of water.....as I watch you sit on the chair next to me........it finishes.....honey, I will help you through this.....come here..... you come over and ask,should I take my clothes off? I say no my love......get in the tub you stand in the deep tub and I tell you to sit..you do.....I put my arm around your back and slowly move you towards the water........hold your breath my love as your head goes under.....I push you under....you have your eyes open and you are watching me...you see how much I love you....and I see you drift and struggle and your eyes close.......I pull you out and put my mouth over yours and give rescue breaths.....you breathe and hold me so very tightly.....you tell me, I Love You...Master.....and I say....oh Princess...I Love you too!!!
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